Daniel Cui

“MATERIAL DECAY: THE IMPERMANENCE OF MAN is an architectural allegory looking to reflect on the transient nature of humanity's existence through the natural decay of objects and materials. Material culture — the study of objects and architecture of the past through an anthropological lens — helps us understand societies and cultures of the past. By examining art and design of foregone civilizations, we can gain a better understanding of ancient communities, and in turn learn more about the contemporary. Essentially, the things we build serve as an extension of the human presence, preserving culture through artifacts that outlast entire societies — as our creations outlive us, they are equally an attempt to leave a permanent mark on the Earth. Conversely, there arises a conversation around nature’s ability to reclaim that which human intervention has disrupted, particularly concerning the impact of industrialization and the mass extraction/refinement of resources. By examining different organisms and processes we can discover methods by which nature renders what we intend to be permanent, impermanent. Material decay demonstrates exactly this, wearing away and breaking down industrial materials that we’ve developed through irreversible processes.”
-Daniel Cui

Click here to see Daniel’s Round 2 portfolio.

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