Peter Mukhaye

“The Theme 'Culture Sculptures: From Cultures to Sculptures” to me meant Revival. Being handed the topic sent me to a deep dive in research into aspects of our African history that still bear relevance to this date.
A very current issue that caught my attention was the quest of Edward Makuka Nkoloso, who was a Zambian who took it upon himself to enter Zambia in the race to the Moon.
This move was of course faced with a lot of ridicule from his government, some of the people and the foreign bodies. He would not even secure funding. Fast forward to this present day, there is a lot of talk around colonizing Mars and western nations are putting up infrastructure to facilitate the move. We have even seen billionaires conducting tours to the outer space. This probed me to ask myself the question, 'is this a repeat of history? Are we once again being left behind?' 'Culture Sculptures' got me to a point of questioning the relevance of Africa as the 'Cradle of Life' in these modern times.
It had me look at our potential as the people of this continent, the pool of knowledge and resources and what we can make of it in order to remind the world that all life began with us and we no longer are to be looked down upon, but viewed as effectors of change and revolutions.”
-Peter Mukhaye

Click here to view Peter’s Round 2 portfolio.

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