Perry Howell

“My understanding of “Culture Sculptures: From Cultures to Sculptures” is bringing life’s experiences and human expression to the physical world. In my study of the theme, culture is music and sculpture is physical space and environments. I chose music because it’s the most significant form of culture to me as it drives me forward, allows me to look back, and is my avenue of self-expression. Similarly, environment is most important to me as far as studying physical things because I’ve grown to understand the importance and influence a space can have over its inhabitants. The intersection of music and environment can multiply the powerful effects these mediums have on people, especially when the experience is shared with other people. Some of my greatest highs in life whether at a concert, party, or open mic depend on both of these mediums. My study explores how the connection between music and environment can be used to emulate an immersive experience and take people into music physically.”
-Perry Howell

Click here to view Perry’s Round 2 portfolio.

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